
Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Timing Reactions

Yesterday in science Keah and I did a timing thing with a ruler the rules of the first one was the ruler can not touch you hand and the results are here  

Gemeve: 26.2cm,22cm,16cm,30cm and 18cm  

Keah : 15cm,16.2cm,15cm,18cm and 8.3cm 

Results for the ruler the just touching your hand 

Gemeve: 14.5cm,7cm,13cm,12.2cm,18cm

Keah : 7.7cm,16cm,4.5cm,7.6cm,10cm 

The Experiment - Year 10 Investigation Task

what goggle says about it 

Much of the time it takes you to react to the ruler dropping is the time it takes electrical signals to travel along your nerves. Moving at about 100 meters per second, a signal telling a finger to move has to travel from your brain down your spinal cord and into your arm.

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

my logo design

In art we have been dong logo designs and creating logos on a slide I picked out a few logo design and then when we put a few thing on paper it was kind hard to come up with different thing to do but it was easier when i found a good one to do here is a picture on what my design is and the one im doing now

Wednesday, 9 June 2021



for science were learning about microscope things and calls we had to per up with someone I paired up with Keah and we got a few slides aka little things side glass there were a few things that we saw took a wee while but we got then n the end i gave up cuz it hurt my eyes but Aaron  found some cool shapes circles and lens