
Thursday, 30 July 2020

Following Gold

I left my home for a new story my heart with heavy questions: He wanted to learn about the word like a new beginning.

What is chance and what is fate? What fortune lies in rivers in slumbering wait?: He wanted to explore the new beginnings and tell story's about gold and see if he could get some gold with what he had.

Now map brought me here - just gilded in promises. I am: He wanted to just catch the moment and explore with not knowing where he is.

A rival among strangers, determined to turn the earth inside out until my luck has changed: He wont stop till he gets the gold.

I follow gold. sometimes I am lucky and meet its gaze and hold it close: Sometime he get really lucky and he will find more then a couple of flakes of gold.

I am looking for a future, for my own share of light. the river offers few clues: He is looking for a future to find all the gold and the river has a few clues like it sparkles in the sun light.

This is how you learn to walk alone. This is how you write your story: He is saying that you can do everything you dream of doing you just have to have patience and keep on learning about it the more you do it the more you will seceded.     

Wednesday, 29 July 2020


  1. Write down a minimum of 10 thoughts or observations about this picture.
ASK:... How, When. Where, Why, Who? .. to help you make decide what to write.
i) He made it in a pirate boat 
ii) it was late 1890
iii) He got kicked out of the island for theft and robbery
v) Thomas Lister 
vi) the house is made of clay 
vii) rag for clothes 
viii) has 2 bunnies and 2 dogs 
ix) He has two teenagers 
x)his job is gold mining 
xx)he eats meat and grow able food 

  1. When you have finished, search for information on ,’The New Zealand Gold Rush’ and make notes in the box below re. What you have found out in your search.. Ask How, When, Where, Why, Who again to sort your information.

They where in nelson and Marlborough and the west coast 
Edward Hargreaves clamid to h have found payable gold hear orange 
Edward Hargreaves and Thomas Lister 

Draw (or copy and paste)  and label an image you’ve found during your research.Gold Rush (New Zealand) | Many Answers

Four Fours

This week we have been looking a the four four i have got up to 10 at the moment. here is the table the I have done 
4    4    4    4
Use four fours to make an equation that equals each of these numbers below.

4 / 4 + 4 - 4
4 / 4 + 4 / 4
(4 + 4 + 4)
/ 4
4 + 4 - 4 / 4
4 x 4 / 4 + 4
4 / 4 + 4 + 4
4 +4+4+-SQRT 2 

My Character Strength

Character Strength what your personalty is:

My first one is Perseverance
Perseverance I'm great at sticking to a tricky task without getting distracted or put off. you don't give up easily and stay determined to get the job done.

My second one is Creativity
Creativity means I'm inspired by other people's ideas, but like coming up with your own too. you're good at thinking outside the box and not scared to experiment and try things out. 

My third one is Love
Love means I listen, and show I care, and make people feel important, so you are really good at building strong relationships.

My forth one is Gratitude
Gratitude means i appreciate the things everyone else thinks are normal, like food and family. this is a great strength to have, as most people have to practice grateful!

My fifth one is Hope
 Hope means I'm likely to be a positive person. even if things aren't great,you'll believe they're going to improve, you'll believe things you  can do to make the better.

Character Strengths – OITE Career Blog – NIH Office of Intramural ...

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Six photos

What was the main message of this story? Looking at photos that shows us what the past look likes and the memory captured in the photo.
To learn about 1850’s in NZ.
The photos let us peek into history and learn from it.

The journal article looks at 6 different photos throughout NZ history. Re-read the paragraphs which match each photo and share 1 interesting fact for each photograph that you learned. 

Family of T.W Ferry
Waist or head clamps to keep the kids still 

Māori at Parihaka
She has white feathers called Raukura
Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee
The kids wear fancy dress and come together and celebrate 
Irini Kemara
She has tattoos for represent wait she believes in 
Māori Farm at Winiata Taihape
They burned down the trees to get more land 
Kitchen Interior by William Williams
The guns may be use for hunting once

Thursday, 23 July 2020

what is a resting heart beat

Search Results

Featured snippet from the web

your resting heart rate is the number of times you heart beats per minute when you are resting. 
a normal resting heart beat is for adults  from 60 to 100 beats per minute.  a lower heart rate For a example a trained athlete might have a normal resting heart rate closer to 40 beats per minute.
What is A Normal Resting Heart Rate? | Elemental

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

growth mind set

Today when have been learning about what is the different about a growth mind set and a fixed mind set 
What  is a fixed mind set: A fixed mind set is when you think that you or something is bad or you don't like and they will never get better at it.
What is a growth mind set: A growth mind set I when you think that you can get better at it like if you can't swim then you say you can swim yet 
How can I make a growth mind set in my life: I can have a growth mind set in my life because if I do something wrong like a drawing or skateboarding then I can say that I with get better at it and I can say I am  not good at it yet.  
 Set of cute cartoon smart brains. Cartoon characters mascot of the ...

Tuesday, 21 July 2020


Studying history is important because  you can learn from the mistakes from the past
3 Historic events I am familiar with in Aotearoa  are Treaty of Waitangi, atariki Captain Cook's arrival. 3 more recent events that have happened in our country are covid 19 the pandemic, the protest blm all the stuff around the earthquakes. We are Gavin Bishop's book, 'Piano Rock.'