
Tuesday, 30 May 2017

cats whiskers

This is my screencastify/slide I have learnt in reading


  1. Hi Gemeve, Milla here, i want to say that your work is amazing about the cats whiskers well done from Milla...

  2. Hi Gemeve it is your brother here I like how you put a lot of information but maybe you should anid more slides blog you later!!!!

  3. hi Gemeve, Mikayla K here, I just want to say that this is amazing work about cats whiskers and why you shouldn't cut cats whiskers. I love that you cat and kitten photos in there. Maybe next time you could have a 2nd look and fix your spelling
    From Mikayla K

  4. Hey Gemeve, you have some interesting facts here! Cat's whiskers are pretty intelligent! Is there anything else you would like to learn about a cat?

  5. Kia Ora Gemeve!
    Awesome work!
    Maybe next time you could make sure it makes sense first.
    Anyway well done.
    Well that's me Emalea!

  6. Hello Gemeve, Fenix here.
    I enjoyed the slide with the Screencastify.
    Did you think about making the font a bit cooler?
    To improve, you could make the font verdana type, it would look cooler.

  7. Hi itś me Dani. you spell through but nice try on trying to spell that I like that knowledge. Bye

  8. Hi Gemeve this is Skyla from next door,Rata.
    On your frount page it does not make sence by saying stuff and do not cut their whiskers you should only have one and in a sentence maybe change it

  9. well done gemeve but we can not see your screencastify

  10. Hi Gemeve. Great start! You have included some cool facts. I like how you have told me how many whiskers cats have, I will need to go and count Frankie's! I wonder if you could add some more facts about what cats whiskers do...

  11. HI Gemeve it's courtney here & i just wanted to say you need to fix up some words

  12. Hey Gemeve, Aryan here checking out your blog!
    Next time could you put some pictures with the facts?
    You had lots of good facts in there.
    Anyways awesome blog post!

  13. Hi Gemeve I like your side It's just has heaps of mistakes can you please fit.

  14. Hi Gemeve.
    I really like how you said what colour cats can be and the photo of the kittens and the cats was really cool and I also liked the fact that you put in about cats have 24 whiskers.
    Maybe next time you could check your spelling.
    Did you think about re-reading it?

  15. hi gemeve we can't see your screencastify maybye you could change it


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